What is HTML and how does it work?

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, a programming language used for writing web pages.
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Elliot Mersie
Elliot Mersie
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What does HTML stand for?

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, a programming language used for writing web pages. Although HTML can also partly provide the design and styling, we usually do this with another language: CSS (Cascading Style Sheet).

The structure of an HTML page

Relatively speaking, an HTML page is built in an easy, simple way. An HTML page starts with a DOCTYPE declaration. This declaration shows the browser which standards to load. Next, you get the tag that opens the HTML document, followed by the “head” tag. Within this “head” tag, we provide, among other things, the title and links to the style sheets. Right below the “head” comes the “body”. Within the “body” comes the entire structure and content of the page.

Example of the structure of an HTML page

Html code

A website usually consists of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. These are 3 popular front-end languages. The structure of the website is created via Html (Texts, images, links, etc.). The HTML elements are designed via CSS. (adjust colors, image size, font size, background images, etc.) JavaScript is a commonly used scripting language for making web pages interactive and developing web applications. An example of this is a newsletter pop-up screen. The script is transferred to the web browser using HTML and runs there.

View a website's source code

Most browsers make it very easy to view and analyze the source code of any website. Do you want to see the source code (HTML) of a website that interests you? Then follow the following steps.

1. Right-click anywhere on the page

2. You will now see a pop-up with various options (see image)

pop-up screen browser

3. Select “View Page Source” and click it.

4. Voila, you now see the source code (HTML) of the page in question. (see image)

Html code in browser

Which text editor should I use?

For writing code, an HTML/CSS editor is no longer an unnecessary luxury, but a reliable tool for optimizing your workflow. Just like any other professional, a front-end developer also has an extensive set of tools at his disposal. Ranging from basic functionalities such as Color Coding or IntelliSense, to the implementation of advanced libraries. All made to make life easier for us, but which are the most common choices at the moment?

1. Sublime text

Sublime text code editor

Sublime text is a modern code editor with a clean interface, a wide range of features and a huge add-on library. This software originated exclusively on Mac, but has also been available for Linux and Windows for a while now. Sublime Text is chargeable but has a free evaluation version.

Download Sublime text

2. Brackets

Brackets code editor

Brackets is the latest player of these three and is being developed by Adobe. This free text editor has similar features, but can also benefit from integration with other Adobe software. For example, it is possible to import Photoshop files directly and convert them to CSS. The community is also gradually gaining popularity, which means that the quality and quantity of plugins are rapidly increasing.

Download Brackets

3. Atom

Atom code editor

Atom is a free and open source Mac text editor written in Node.js and built into GitControl. You can use it as a plain text editor Mac, or a source code editor. Through plugins, this app supports various languages such as HTML, CSS, C/C++, Objective-C, Java, Go, C#, JavaScript, Python, PHP, Perl, XML, Mustache, Clojure, Ruby, and many more, making it a handy tool for the modern developer.

Scarica Atom

How do I learn HTML?

Learning HTML, CSS, and other programming languages often looks difficult at first. As you gradually learn more about these languages, you'll notice that it's not that difficult. It is important not to give up too quickly and, above all, to test things out. Below is a list of the best websites and resources to help you learn the basics of HTML and CSS.

1. Treehouse

Treehouse is an excellent website for expanding your coding skills. From HTML, CSS and Javascript to PHP, Python and NodeJS. Excellent for updating your skills as a beginner or expert.

Note: Treehouse works with a monthly or annual membership. (you can try the 1st week for free)

Teamtreehouse dashboard

Check out Treehouse here

2. Code Academy

Codecademy is an excellent website for expanding your coding skills. From HTML, CSS and Javascript to PHP, Python and NodeJS. Excellent for updating your skills as a beginner or expert.

Note: Codecademy works with a monthly or annual membership. (you can try the 1st week for free)

Codecademy dashboard

Check out Codecademy here

3. Youtube

Via Youtube, you can easily find thousands of videos about HTML without paying a cent. Enter the search term “HTML” and a selection of videos will appear.

Youtube dashboard

Watch Youtube here

4. Book HTML and CSS for DUMMIES

If you are serious about coding, we recommend that you get a book about HTML (e.g. HTML and CSS for DUMMIES).